Que a viagem que inicias hoje seja calma e tranquila.
Até sempre...
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Que a viagem que inicias hoje seja calma e tranquila.
Até sempre...
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Don't come after
Don't come after
Please don't follow me along
When you read this I'll be gone
Ask the mountains
Springs and fountains
Why couldn't this go on?
Couldn't our happiness go on?
Ask the sun that lightens up the sky
When the night gives in, to tell you why
Ask the mountains
Wild woods, highlands
Ask the green in the woods and the trees
The cold breeze coming in from the sea
Springs and fountains
Ask the mountains
Springs and fountains
Ask the sun that lightens up the sky
When the night gives in, to tell you why
Tell the mountains
Springs and fountains
Why couldn't this go on?
Couldn't our happiness go on?
Vangelis, Ask The Mountains
* Vangelis - Ask The Mountains *
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I was childish and unfair
To you, my only friend
I regret, but now it's too late
I can't show you any more
The things I've learned from you
Cause life just took you away
I'm asking why
I'm asking why
Nobody gives an answer
I'm just asking why
But someday we'll meet again
And I'll ask you
I'll ask you why
Why it has to be like this
I'm asking you why
Please give me an answer
Many years and stupid fights
Till we accept to see
How it was and it'll always be
Why it has to be like this
Why we don't realize
Why we're too blind to see the one
Who's always on our side
I'm asking why
I'm asking why
Nobody gives an answer
I'm just asking why
Just tell me why
Why it has to be like this
That the good ones disappear
I'm asking you why
I'm asking why
I'm asking why
Nobody gives an answer
I'm just asking why
I'm asking why
* Enigma - Why *
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Ando devagar
Porque já tive pressa
E levo esse sorriso
Porque já chorei demais
Hoje me sinto mais forte,
Mais feliz, quem sabe,
Eu só levo a certeza
De que muito pouco sei,
Ou nada sei
Conhecer as manhas
E as manhãs
O sabor das massas
E das maçãs
É preciso amor
Pra poder pulsar
É preciso paz pra poder seguir
É preciso chuva para florir
Sinto que seguir a vida
Seja simplesmente
Conhecer a marcha
E ir tocando em frente
Como um velho boiadeiro
Levando a boiada
Eu vou tocando os dias
Pela longa estrada, eu vou
Estrada eu sou
Cada um de nós compõe
A sua própria história
E cada ser em si
Carrega o dom de ser capaz
De ser feliz
Todo mundo ama um dia,
Todo mundo chora
Um dia a gente chega
E no outro vai embora
Almir Sater e Renato Teixeira
Tocando em Frente *