"E se alguém disser que você não pode, rasgue a roupa da alma solte as amarras da gaiola abra suas asas coloridas e simplesmente voe! Liberte-se das correntes pesadas que te prendem ao solo que existem apenas em tua mente você já nasceu alada, só precisa acreditar no vento que sustenta o vôo no sonho que mantém a leveza na calma que alimenta a paz na alma que habita o corpo! Nem todos conseguem mas você pode! Acredite!"
Aproveitei ao máximo amar-te? Tantas coisas que não fizemos. Dei-te tudo o que o meu coração te podia dar? Duas vidas não vividas com vida para viver. Quando estes dias intermináveis e solitários passarem, Vou aproveitar ao máximo amar-te. Vou aproveitar ao máximo amar-te.
Será que aproveitámos ao máximo tudo o que tínhamos? Não te ver entristece o meu coração. Será que aproveitámos ao máximo os dias de verão? Ainda temos tempo para mudar os nossos caminhos. Quando estes dias intermináveis e solitários passarem, Vou aproveitar ao máximo amar-te. Vou aproveitar ao máximo amar-te. Vou aproveitar ao máximo amar-te. Vou aproveitar ao máximo amar-te.
Será que essas palavras carinhosas ficaram na minha cabeça? Tantas coisas ficaram por dizer. Dei-te tudo o que o meu coração te podia dar? Duas vidas não vividas com vida para viver. Quando estes dias intermináveis e solitários passarem, Vou aproveitar ao máximo amar-te. Vou aproveitar ao máximo amar-te. Vou aproveitar ao máximo amar-te. Vou aproveitar ao máximo amar-te.
‘Did I Make the Most of Loving You?’
Compositor: John Lunn | Letra: Don Black | Interpretado por: Mary-Jess
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Did I make the most of loving you? So many things we didn't do. Did I give you all my heart could give? Two unlived lives with lives to live. When these endless, lonely days are through, I'll make the most of loving you. I'll make the most of loving you.
Did we make the most of all we had? Not seeing you makes my heart sad. Did we make the most of summer days? We still have time to change our ways. When these endless, lonely days are through, I'll make the most of loving you. I'll make the most of loving you. I'll make the most of loving you. I'll make the most of loving you.
Did those tender words stay in my head? So many things were left unsaid. Did I give you all my heart could give? Two unlived lives with lives to live. When these endless, lonely days are through, I'll make the most of loving you. I'll make the most of loving you. I'll make the most of loving you. I'll make the most of loving you.
‘Did I Make the Most of Loving You?’
Composer: John Lunn | Lyrics: Don Black | Performed by: Mary-Jess
Lately I just find my mind has turned to dreaming Making plans and scheming How I'm gonna get back home But deep down inside I know its really hopeless This road I'm on is endless We climb our mountains all alone
Old photographs and places I remember Just like a dying ember That's burned into my soul Even though we walk the diamond studded highways It's the country lanes and byways That makes us long for home"
"To begin, you must Desire. Without that, you will achieve nothing. Love nothing. Change nothing. Because DESIRE is what starts it all. You know that feeling, that feeling at the beginning of the evening, when the possibilities sing to you their song of youth, begging you to just begin.
So Begin… To DESIRE…
DESIRE begins night. And the night is yours to love. DESIRE begins beauty. And beauty is yours to create. DESIRE begins true. And truth is your sword. DESIRE begins love. And love… and love is everything.
Love my friend, is what the night is for, but to get it, to grasp it, to grasp the love, you must let the DESIRE begin.
DESIRE begins the fire. And you must find it in your heart, and let it burn, let it ignite, let is take you.
Sucker Punch: Mundo Surreal - Trailer (legendado) [HD]
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'E finalmente, a seguinte pergunta:
O mistério em volta de quem será esta história, de quem levanta a cortina. Quem é que escolhe a coreografia da nossa dança? Quem nos leva à loucura? Que nos chicoteia e coroa-nos com vitórias quando sobrevivemos ao impossóvel? Quem é? Que faz todas essas coisas? Quem honra aqueles que amamos pela vida que vivemos? Quem envia monstros para nos matar? E ao mesmo tempo, canta-nos que nunca iremos morrer? Quem nos ensina o que é real, e de como nos rirmos das mentiras? Quem decide porque vivemos, ou pelo quê daríamos a vida lutando? Quem nos prende? E quem possui a chave que pode libertar-nos?
Thought you had all the answers to rest your heart upon. But something happens, don't see it coming, now you can't stop yourself. Now you're out there swimming... In the deep. In the deep.
Life keeps tumbling your heart in circles till you... Let go. Till you shed your pride, and you climb to heaven, and you throw yourself off. Now you're out there spinning... In the deep. In the deep. In the deep. In the deep.
And now you're out there spinning... And now you're out there spinning... In the deep. In the deep. In the deep.
In the silence, all your secrets, will raise their worried heads. Well, you can pin yourself back together, to who you thought you were. Now you're out there livin'... In the deep. In the deep. In the deep.
In the deep...
Now you're out there spinning... Now you're out there swimming... Now you're out there spinning... In the deep. In the deep. In the deep. In the deep...