Quinta-feira, 23 de Abril de 2015






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Aproveitei ao máximo amar-te?
Tantas coisas que não fizemos.
Dei-te tudo o que o meu coração te podia dar?
Duas vidas não vividas com vida para viver.
Quando estes dias intermináveis e solitários passarem,
Vou aproveitar ao máximo amar-te.
Vou aproveitar ao máximo amar-te.

Será que aproveitámos ao máximo tudo o que tínhamos?
Não te ver entristece o meu coração.
Será que aproveitámos ao máximo os dias de verão?
Ainda temos tempo para mudar os nossos caminhos.
Quando estes dias intermináveis e solitários passarem,
Vou aproveitar ao máximo amar-te.
Vou aproveitar ao máximo amar-te.
Vou aproveitar ao máximo amar-te.
Vou aproveitar ao máximo amar-te.

Será que essas palavras carinhosas ficaram na minha cabeça?
Tantas coisas ficaram por dizer.
Dei-te tudo o que o meu coração te podia dar?
Duas vidas não vividas com vida para viver.
Quando estes dias intermináveis e solitários passarem,
Vou aproveitar ao máximo amar-te.
Vou aproveitar ao máximo amar-te.
Vou aproveitar ao máximo amar-te.
Vou aproveitar ao máximo amar-te.



‘Did I Make the Most of Loving You?’

Compositor: John Lunn  |  Letra: Don Black  |  Interpretado por: Mary-Jess





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Did I make the most of loving you?
So many things we didn't do.
Did I give you all my heart could give?
Two unlived lives with lives to live.
When these endless, lonely days are through,
I'll make the most of loving you.
I'll make the most of loving you.

Did we make the most of all we had?
Not seeing you makes my heart sad.
Did we make the most of summer days?
We still have time to change our ways.
When these endless, lonely days are through,
I'll make the most of loving you.
I'll make the most of loving you.
I'll make the most of loving you.
I'll make the most of loving you.

Did those tender words stay in my head?
So many things were left unsaid.
Did I give you all my heart could give?
Two unlived lives with lives to live.
When these endless, lonely days are through,
I'll make the most of loving you.
I'll make the most of loving you.
I'll make the most of loving you.
I'll make the most of loving you.



‘Did I Make the Most of Loving You?’

Composer: John Lunn  |  Lyrics: Don Black  |  Performed by: Mary-Jess





publicado por Cleópatra M.P. às 00:00
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Quarta-feira, 22 de Abril de 2015




Cuidemos do nosso Planeta!

Feliz Dia da Terra!




Let's take care of our Planet!

Happy Earth Day!




"E não te esqueças de que a Terra gosta de sentir os teus pés descalços

e de que o vento anseia por brincar com os teus cabelos."

Kahlil Gibran



"Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet

and the winds long to play with your hair."

Kahlil Gibran





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Imagem: ESA/Eumetsat  |  Image: ESA/Eumetsat



MSG-3 (Meteosat-10) captured this image of Earth on 22 April 2015 with its Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI).


Esta imagem da Terra foi capturada hoje, 22 de abril 2015, pelo Satélite Meteosat-10 (também designado por MSG-3), através do seu sensor de recolha de imagem no Visível e Infravermelho (SEVIRI).




publicado por Cleópatra M.P. às 00:00
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Quarta-feira, 15 de Abril de 2015



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Another sunset.

I know it looks undistinguishable from the last but I remember the difference.'

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Hoje finalmente encontrei este tema!

Só o ouvi uma vez, há vários anos.


E há vários anos que o procurava, mas não sabia o titulo nem o autor.

Mesmo assim, procurei das mais variadas formas. E nada!


Eu sabia que o encontraria. 

Nos últimos dias, estava constantemente a lembrar-me dele,

e com a sensação estranhamente boa que o encontraria em breve.

E sim! Foi hoje!

O tema veio ter comigo! Literalmente!

Na Rádio Nostalgia​, ao início da noite, na edição da"Idade da inocência" de Luis Ferreira de Almeida.

Eu estava a conduzir, e quando ouvi as primeiras notas e me pareceu o tema que eu tanto procurei,

tive que parar o carro para ouvir! Eu sei, é estranho, mas é verdade!

Foi um momento muito feliz para mim.

Obrigada Rádio Nostalgia! 

Obrigada Luis Ferreira de Almeida por ter escolhido precisamente este tema, entre tantos outros,

para homenagear Richard Harris.


'Slides' de Richard Harris!!!


Muito bom. Encontrei-o!

Encontrei-o, finalmente!









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"Morning chaps.

I’d like to welcome you back to the third form of your years,

I trust you’ll thrive in here.

Others in the past have come alive in here.

Happy to say they found their way.

You recall I asked, back when I saw you last,

that you’d consult my list of books for summer reading.

We’ll go over those and others

you’ll be needing for the coming year, if I’m still here.

I suppose you heard the word that’s going about,

my superiors doubt I’m fit to teach you.

Have a nip before the game and they’ll impeach you.

Forget about the fact that I reach you.

I reach you.

Well, enough of that.

Lets get on with it.

I’ve arranged to show some slides that might amuse you.

And if, of course, you’re bored, then I’ll excuse you.

Though what you’re about to see,

in times of sickness, is my cure,

living well is my best revenge, you can be sure.

This is the Grand Canyon, in the great State of Arizona.

See there, the magnificent blend of all the colours of the rainbow.

It is virtually unphotographable at any given point to so vast.

The Colorado River trickles through its base like a deeply buried brook.

Geologists say that with time and erosion the Pacific Ocean,

some 300 miles West, will one day reach the Canyon and flow through there.

I camped here, see?

Right there.

Oh, what peace I found.

The only sounds I heard were the sounds I made.

No-no, it is true.

And here beyond, on a remote roadside stand,

an Indian boy planted himself arms folded beneath a sign 

that said “seashells should lead the world”.

This is a hobo, a dying bread.

A pity.

He claimed that an inheritance fortune

awaited him in a bank back East but he couldn’t care less.

There’s more of them.

The one with the umbrella claimed to be the real Mr. Bojangles.


Another sunset.

I know it looks undistinguishable from the last but I remember the difference.

Vancouver, British Columbia.

I spent some time there at a ski lodge.

Something so healthy and wholesome about skiers.

Like this one.

She always seemed to appear when I took a slip

on the slops where I had no business being.

But I’d look up and there she’d be.

And soon it happen that whenever she’d turned and look up, there I’d be.

The chalet.

Inside there, by a warm fire, is where my mind has want to wander now.

To the scent of pine and the taste of wine.

You’re too young for wine now but make a note of it.

There she is again.

We rented those horses for a day.

See mine? His name was...

Oh what was it now? I forget. Oh yes, it was sugar.

And there’s my friend again.

She looks rather sad there.

It seems that everyday, well, she always had some special plan for us.

And this, this is a beautiful Indian girl.

Look at her!

She and her secret mysterious ways.

The pride of her people.

Our sunshine, the said of her.

This was the road South into Oregon.

This is how logs are transported, long rafts that trail the northwest rivers.

Big Sur, California.

An old Spanish Mission.

Carmel, California.

Those trees seemed frozen against the landscape.

They remind me of a book I once heard of called The Cypresses Believe in God.

This was near the end of my adventure.

The clock in my head told me it was time to leave.

So that I was more concerned with seeing

what I could first hand

rather then rush for the camera.

I find that travelling alone is somehow more realistic then with others.

You find yourself in a new place all alone and you deal with it

as oppose to when you’re with others who are familiar to you

and in a sense shelter you from situations you would otherwise meet head on.

You know what I mean?

Besides, if your loved ones are with you, you have no one to go home to."

Richard Harris, Slides, 1972



Slides - Richard Harris (original album version)




publicado por Cleópatra M.P. às 00:00
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Abril 2015